Protobuf plugin to generate Qt classes
▼Nconanfile | |
CQtProtobufConan | |
▼Nmicrojson | |
CJsonValue | |
CJsonProperty | |
▼NQtProtobuf | |
▼Ngenerator | |
Ccommon | |
CQAbstractGrpcChannelPrivate | |
CQAbstractGrpcChannel | Interface that represents common gRPC channel functionality |
CQAbstractGrpcClient | Bridge between gRPC clients and channels |
CQGrpcAsyncReply | Data for asynchronous call of gRPC client API |
CQGrpcChannel | GRPC-cpp native api implementation of QAbstractGrpcChannel interface |
CQGrpcCallCredentials | The QGrpcCallCredentials is base class for gRPC call credentials |
CQGrpcChannelCredentials | The QGrpcChannelCredentials is base class for gRPC channel credentials |
CQGrpcCredentials | The QGrpcCredentials class is combination of call and channel credentials that is used by gRPC channels to communicate to services with given authentications parameters |
CQGrpcHttp2Channel | HTTP/2 implementation of QAbstractGrpcChannel interface |
CQGrpcInsecureCallCredentials | Dummy implementation of QGrpcCallCredentials |
CQGrpcInsecureChannelCredentials | Dummy implementation of QGrpcChannelCredentials |
CQGrpcSslCredentials | The QGrpcSslCredentials class |
CQGrpcStatus | Information about last gRPC operation |
CQGrpcSubscription | The QGrpcSubscription class |
CQGrpcUserPasswordCredentials | The QGrpcUserPasswordCredentials class is reference implementation of simple user-password call authentication |
CQAbstractProtobufSerializer | Interface that represents basic functions for serialization/deserialization |
CQProtobufJsonSerializer | The QProtobufJsonSerializer class |
CQProtobufMetaProperty | |
CQProtobufSelfcheckIterator | The QProtobufSelfcheckIterator class |
CQProtobufSerializationPluginInterface | Interface that provides possibility to load serialization/deserialization implementations to project via Qt plugin mechanism |
CQProtobufSerializer | The QProtobufSerializer class |
CGrpcStatus | GrpcStatus is QML representation of QtProtobuf::QGrpcStatus |
CGrpcSubscription | GrpcSubscription provides access to gRPC subscriptions from QML |
CMicrojsonDeserializationTest | |
▼CmicrojsonNull | |
CnullBuffer | |
CQProtobufLazyMessagePointer |