QtProtobuf  0.6
Protobuf plugin to generate Qt classes
QML QtProtobuf

QML bindings for QtGrpc.

QML bindings for QtGrpc.

QtProtobuf allows to use generated classes in QML. All types are registred automatically when QtProtobuf::qRegisterProtobufTypes() called. To make generated classes and QtProtobuf types visible in QML you need to import QtProtobuf QML plugin and your protobuf package


syntax = "proto3";
package qtprotobuf.sample;
message SampleMessage {
int32 sampleField = 1;
transparent< int32_t > int32
int32 signed 32-bit integer
Definition: qtprotobuftypes.h:104


//Enable QtProtobuf types
import QtProtobuf 0.4 //Use recent QtProtobuf version
//Import types from sample.proto
import qtprotobuf.sample 1.0
Item {
SampleMessage {
sampleField: 10

Static QtProtobuf with QML

For statically built QtProtobuf it's neccssary to link protobufquickplugin target manually: CMakeLists.txt:

target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE QtProtobuf::protobufquickplugin)

To make QtProtobuf QML plugin visible in QML, call Q_PROTOBUF_IMPORT_QUICK_PLUGIN() macro:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Imports statically linked QtProtobufQuickPlugin.
Definition: qtprotobufglobal.h:88
void qRegisterProtobufTypes()
qRegisterProtobufTypes This method should be called in all applications that supposed to use QtProtob...
Definition: qtprotobuf.cpp:62